
i have a problem.

i let people into my life too quickly. while i don't necessarily put my guard down, i do allow them to infiltrate my precious space.

and i'm space-hungry woman.

so now i've got a ride along who i can't stand. who spews negativity at me for an hour each way. who works down the hall and so could easily cause problems for me at work.

sample conversation:

me: "i'm so excited april is here because pluck gets to start his swimming lessons. he loves the water."

her: "yeah, until he drowns!"

no really. she said that.

sample conversation:

me: "the mosquitos got javi at school yesterday. i told them (daycare) to put spray on him but i guess i'll have to make sure - even if it means doing it myself."

her: "WHAT! of course YOU have to make sure. it's YOUR kid! i can't believe you didn't put spray on him!!!!!!!!!!!!"

no really. she said that.

i'm just so fucking fed up with it. and of course i get stuck driving everywhere since we're commuting and people think that means i like to drive.

i do like to drive. just not with someone who screams when i avoid potholes and who makes nasty comments when i stay within the speed limits and nastier comments when i exceed them and who likes to talk shit about my drivers to my other passengers who don't talk shit back and who has never once said a positive thing ... about anything!

i've decided i have to end things. but how?! and why do i keep putting myself in these situations??!! life is NOT a friends episode. things don't just work out between strangers.

and it's as much my fault as it is their's. i should understand my limitations. i should respect my sacred spaces. i should GET TO KNOW SOMEONE before encouraging them to change their lifestyle or agreeing to change my lifestyle right along with them.

i suppose this is an epiphany. it is not one sided when you feel violated. as susan scott would say - you get what you tolerate...

so, do you fine people have any suggestions as to how to break up with my commuter?