some thoughts for friday

1) why do people try to utilize a vocabulary that is foreign to them, turning their words in shite when what they were really shooting for was elegance? perhaps i can only say this cause i know a person doing this and that person ain't that smart. no matter how much he/she/it uses the dictionary. oh, and usually, even the dictionary can't prevent her/him/it from using all the wrong words. in this case i highly suggest a thesaurus. and starting small.

2) yes, strangerlucy! it does improve the skin. the saddest thing about this is that i've often heard people say of a person with not-so-smooth-skin that they need to be fucked. so not nice.

3) i thought kinetix was a girl. nope. he's a boy. i really am slow on the uptake.

4) my bladder stays full ALL THE TIME meaning i have to pick and choose when i will empty it. constant turmoil!

5) why does my boss insist on talking to me when it is obvious i'm not interested. i've heard about her husband, her job, her dogs, her new purse. dammit! stop bothering me! i've stopped even turning fully toward her, now i just lean in her direction and continue what i'm doing (which is the almighty task of reading diaries and signing guestbooks).

6) i am craving pringles. and chile & lime chiccarones.

7) you can hate me now. but i won't stop now.