it's that time again...

am i ever tired? i can't even begin to explain how worn out i am by friday. and my mom calls and tries to guilt trip me into moving tomorrow's plans up to tonight.

no way jose! see, tomorrow i'm taking my wee toddler to the fair. not just any fair, either. it's the lee county agricultural fair and i haven't been since i threw up first into some guys empty drum and then all over zech h@ll's daddy in the tenth grade (i have not guzzled peach schnaps since).

so me and my love are taking little Plucky Duck to his first ever carnival type thingy complete with aligator rides, a petting zoo, and lots of BALLS!! the kid loves balls.

i love harvest season and this is the reason why. there's absolutely nothing quite like the quaint familiarity of your local county fair. state fairs are three ring overprices circuses (circi?) that should be avoided at all costs. but. the fair. ahh...

even my lil 5 year old sister understands this. she says, "hey sister!" (yes, my dad makes her call me sister. i don't know if it's to remind me she exists or make sure she knows) "daddy's making me go to the kentucky state fair!" only taylor says fay-yer in the cutest little girl voice imaginable. now, i don't live in kentucky, so my son gets to say "mama's taking me to the lee county agricultural fay-yer!"

anyway! my love is still pouting cause going to the fair means no jetskiing tomorrow, but i'm trying to get him to put himself after my Pluck-pluck. it's hard for him as he's from the school of thought that children do what you want them to. it's that whole, kids aren't really people thing. i'm weening him away from that.

so. my mother's attempt to take this excursion from daytime to night just won't work. ever seen an overtired kid on crack? that's what Pluck will be like if i take him tonight. he needs a good night's rest and a good morning of oatmeal and cartoons. no more, no less.

p.s. i am officially addicted to almonds.