what did you say?

i think i'm a word pronunciation snob. i don't want to be this way, but can't seem to help myself.


my coworker - all day yesterday, i was training my her in a popular image editing software. i asked her if she had done any follow up work from our previous training session. she told me she'd done the tutorials. only, she didn't say Too-Tor-EE-uhl. nope, she said Tooter-ul. i winced each time she said it and she said a million thousand times.

my mother - she's horrible for this. instead of saying spinach, she says spinash. instead of saturday, she says saredy. okay, i can chalk that one up to the southern dialect as i sometimes catch myself saying wensdy instead of wednesday. but, there are numerous examples, including cancelin' (counciling) and bronchesis (bronchitis).

if you can think of a remedy for this problem, please let me know. i'm still scared from a senior year of high school incident in which the bitchy girl "let me know" that i was mispronouncing the river Danube. i said dah-noob. apparently it's pronounced Dan-ube. man, i'm still hold a grudge for that shit. did she have to do it in front of everyone?

i also think i quit spanish cause i couldn't stand other people hearing me mispronounce words. my babysitter's kids laughed me up one side and down the other when i said ma-zat-lan instead of smoothing the syllables into mazatlan. i also was mediocre in college french until 4th semester cause then we could speak in english as long as our grammar and pronunciation could be correct. how else do you get Bs in the first three semesters and then ace the last one? of course, when studying arabic, swahili and twi, i was an eager and avid student cause i threw those words off my tongue like nobody's business.

this could all be my karma. apparently as a young child, i would constantly correct people's grammar and pronunciation. apparently no one liked being around me cause i was a smartypants who thought it necessary to let others know of their ignorance.

yeah. so, if you've got a way to get around this little pothole, i'd be happy to hear it.