
more stolen stuff!

1. i hate my job

2. it's not conducive to my happiness

3. i try remember that i am not my job.

4. i am an artist.

5. i once won a blue ribbon at the county fair for an oil painting.

6. my favorite artist is yuroz, followed in a close second by pena bonita.

7. my favorite musical group is indigo girls. my favorite actors are janeane garafolo and rosario dawson.

8. i also like the roots, bitch & animal, eminem, eve, lisa loeb, dixie chicks, dancehall crashers, sade, melissa ferrick, dar williams, lucinda williams, etc.

9. i once dated a girl with a voice like sade's.

10. that girl is now one of my best friends.

11. i haven't been with a woman in a long time.

12. that's something a committed relationship w/ a man doesn't leave room for.

13. uh, yeah, i am sexually open.

14. that's cool now, but when i was younger it wasn't so hot.

15. i can't stand nelly's "hot in herre"

16. but down here in the dirty south it is fucking hot.

17. i just looked at the clock and it's 3:24 - my Big Ex's birthday.

18. i was with that man for five years.

19. that's almost 1/5 of the time i've been alive.

20. i'm hungry.

21. because i'm on a diet i can't raid the snack machine.

22. my favorite snack is a snickers bar

23. my favorite food is goat cheese and greek olives on a wheat thin.

24. a close second to that is a tie: cpk's barbecue chicken salad w/ extra jicama and fajitas tejanas.

25. my favorite books are catherine keller's from a broken web (which is actually feminist theory) and gloria anzaldua's borderlands/la frontera. i'm also a huge susan bordo fan.

26. my favorite movie is crybaby.

27. i used to be a crybaby - even simply harsh things like "turn that tv off and go to bed!" would evoke (real, not pity) tears.

28. i hardly ever cry now.

29. my mother thinks i'm racist.

30. apparently i don't like white people.

31. i tried to explain to her my people hatred doesn't extend beyond: Rich People, Arrogant People, Hypocrits, and Ignorant People.

32. i have also been accused of being classist cause of the above beliefs.

33. i don't hold a certain religious belief.

34. i'm pretty sure i don't give a fuck if jesus was the messiah. i don't necessarily believe in the Muslim/Judaic/Christian God, but i do believe in a universal Spirit of Goodness - one that is not gendered.

35. so while i'm sure there are Goddesses, i don't say things like "oh, thank goddess" or "my god!" - i'm pretty sure gender isn't an issue in the grand scheme.

36. i usually have a scheme.

37. i'm very good at being "up to something" and i'm not a very good liar.

37. my sister, on the other hand, is a pathological liar.

38. my other sister is an actress.

39. i am an artist. and a writer.

40. i went to grad school for an MFA in Fiction, but came out with a MA in Publishing & Writing cause I couldn't stand the damn program long enough for 60 hours.

41. neither mean much in NC's economy.

42. this isn't good for either my state of mind or my bank account.

43. i hate banks. i want to keep all my money under the bed.

44. this would've worked before i had a snoopy lil toddler all over everything.

45. my son is the coolest lil one ever.

46. he has an amazing throw. i think we measured his farthest throw at 15 feet.

47. he's only 20 months old.

48. his name is Javier Stone Q...

49. he will be either a musician (Stone), a baseball player (Javier), or a journalist (J. Stone).

50. we call him Javi. a jewish friend once called him Avi.

51. no, that's not pronounced Jah-Vee. it's Hah-Vee (spanish, duh!)

52. his name was almost Carlos.

53. i though he was gonna be a girl til the minute he was born. his name would've been Khira Magdelene.

54. his birthday is two days before christmas.

55. i was a smoker and drinker until he was born. now a beer knocks me on my ass and smoking gives me sore throats.

56. i have a sore throat right now.

57. but, it's not from smoking.

58. i do smoke pot on occasion.

59. i'd never do harder drugs than that (again), though i used to do shrooms and acid.

60. my father is a [recovering?] drug addict

61. i try not to follow in his footsteps.

62. someone put that footsteps plaque up in our office bathroom.

63. i took it down.

64. in it's place i put a picture of flamingos. it's the same type of kitsch trash, just not as biased.

65. i am biased against many things. frizzy hair is one of them.

66. that's cause my hair is now and always very very frizzy.

67. i love my hair. it's great. but frizzy.

68. i spend lots of money on hair product.

69. my favorite is the body shop's shea butter leave-in conditioner

70. i also love the satsuma line and the peppermint foot stuff.

71. i bought some of that foot stuff but still haven't used it.

72. that was at least two weeks ago.

73. i'd like someone to do it for me.

74. i want to be the queen of sheba.

75. when i was little i took at least three baths a day. my mother hated this, but i explained to her that i am the queen of sheba so it's okay.

76. i don't bathe that often anymore.

77. i sometimes only bathe three times a week.

78. i'm not gross, i'm just conserving my resources.

79. plus, i work in an office. my body is air conditioned 100% of the time. i don't need to shower every day.

80. and, if i wash my hair too much it's gross. way too dry. i try to wash it twice a week.

81. and then i wind up with beautiful soft curls.

82. i love my curly hair so i never let stylists straighten it.

83. this has caused many uproars by many stylists.

84. i don't mind.

85. Javi had straight hair.

86. but i trained it to curl.

87. really! it worked.

88. Javi's sitter likes to comb his hair. i have to fluff the curl back out when i pick him up.

89. Javi's sitter is from Mexico. she doesn't know much english.

90. i thought this would mean a bilingual child.

91. Javi speaks more spanish than english.

92. we're working on the english stuff.

93. my father never taught me spanish.

94. i learned spanish high school and french in college

95. i learned arabic via many many Moroccan lovers.

96. i've forgotten almost everything except english.

97. this makes me sad.

98. but, i'm slowly relearning spanish

99. it is one of my goals.

100. i have tons of goals.

101. perhaps one day i'll accomplish them. can you believe i accomplished this?