the smackdown question 3

The HotPants Award: Tell us about some sex. Make it good. Get our pants sticky.

i suppose any sex would do for this question, but let me tell you about this sex. this sex i've been having. i have been sexually active for 13 years. i am 25 years old. i have never before felt so connected (sexually, emotionally, phsyically, psychologically) as i do to my love. we have been together for only six months. i have known him for twelve years.

i wrote a poem once that ended:
your mouth breathing life
over and over into my thick thighs

my love brought life. to me. to the land we live on. to my body. i can't really explain it except to say that the first time he slid inside me, i heard the ocean roaring in my head and i felt my insides pull together and i openned my mouth to thank the goddesses and a small bird flew from my throat.

the next morning, the trees behind my house showed tight pink and white blooms, their heavy desire to erupt into thick tongued blooms so intense i had to steady myself against bark.

that evening, with the moonshadow of those blooms camouflaging our bodies shades of dark, we laid naked beneath bright spring stars shining through a magnolia canopy. that evening he worshipped at my altar, took my clitoris as communion as i offered my entire soul to him, channeled through the flame that was my body.

now we are the body and the blood and the constellations that etch memory and hope into each other. now we trace maps on each other's singing flesh that remind of us of where we've been and where we will go together. now we drink hungrily from each other and are full.