the things that matter

i'm feeling guilty for my pettiness. please know that i love and appreciate my friends. i am thankful to have them. my son's party will be fine on sunday. shit, i even scheduled it for after church, so no jesus conflicts.

i'd like you all to keep her and her family in your thoughts in the next days and weeks. some of you understand how hard it is to watch someone you love in pain, and you know how much it means to you to know that there are others rooting for you and yours.

in the twenty years my sister spent in and out of hospitals, my family really relied on the strength and support of our friends to keep us going. when she had the double lung transplant, we were truly bowled over by how much that support helped my sister to heal and begin her new life.

it's been a year. the differences are astounding. we spent twenty years preparing for her death, and yet there was hope in the end. and it was truly a miracle. i am wishing with all that i am that someone gives alex a miracle too. please join me.