how disney corrupted me

i'm full of entries today. that's cause i'm procrastinating. i don't want to work on my article (due friday) or write that dang blasted survivor immunity challenge. so i'm procrastinating with a cute lil story.

a long long long time ago i was in love with the story Sleeping Beauty. i wanted to be aurora and be awakened from the pits of hell by a soft loving kiss. so, i'd read the book over and over again and then my mom rented the disney version* and i watched it for days.

there's a scene in this movie where aurora is hanging out with the three godmothers. she refers to them as "my old dears". well, i was hooked. so, i sat down to write my grandmother a letter. i began it "my old dear," and throughout the letter made patronizing references to my grandma using terminology i'd learned via this movie. (there isn't any such terminology in the book).

i gave the finished letter to my mother to mail for me. a couple hours later, she came into my room with the letter and let me know in no uncertain terms that the letter would not be making its way across the country to my grandmother. "rewrite it or forget about it!" so, i rewrote it, but she didn't say anything about what was wrong, so i corrected a few grammatical errors, but pretty much left everything the same.

whew wee! my mama does not like repeating herself! so, she took matters into her own hands. she took marker and crossed out all the wrong words and wrote suggestions at the bottom. i didn't understand what was wrong, but i wrote the letter without those words and it got mailed.

however, for the next few years, nothing i wrote got past my mother. imagine how hard this was when i was nearing puberty and wanted to be risque with my porn-loving grandmother! i think my mother'd still screen my mail if i let her!

*i do NOT like disney movies anymore and have tons of problems with the company's portrayal of stereotypes and it's insistance on outdated gender roles. i also have yet to see a non-mainstream heroine. skinny ass cute mulan does not count.