this is the entry where i reveal myself

stolen from citlalli31 - whew! it's a long one!

Name: Kelly Q
Nicknames: KQ, Kel, KDawg, QDawg, Jezebel, Jez, Jezzie. some like to call me by last name (Qui...) and then others like various random names like Latina Princess.
School: grad school = Emerson College, undergrad = UNC Greensboro
Hair color: brown. brown brown brown. dark thanks to my dad, but in the summer it has subtle red and gold highlights (thanks to my whiter than white mama)
Eyes: brown. sometimes gold, sometimes black. but mostly just brown
Height: around 5'1"
Siblings: 4. E (27), A (22), T (4), and R (3).
Pets: Mambo the parakeet. Used to be proud owner of Georgia, the gorgeous black kitty, but my son drove her crazy so we retired her to a nice elderly woman.
How many cassette tapes do you own? one, and it's not commercial music. it's a tape of a song my friend composed for me.
How many cd's do you own? Probably close to 200. How many mp3s do you own? thirty or forty.
what color are your shoes? this pair is blue.
Describe your bedroom: spartan. a bed, a night stand, a dresser. the bed is the main focus. anyone wanna trade spaces with me and dazzle me with interior design goodness?
Are you a vegetarian? oh no, hell naw
How about an aspiring actor/actress? uh, nah, but my mama thinks i have a flair for the dramatic.
What movies do you have almost all the lines memorized to? CryBaby, Elmo Fun Songs, Pippy Longstockings,
Who named you? my mama gave me my first name after her fave boy-cousin. my father liked my middle name cause it can be spanish or english. my dad really wanted to name me carmen maria. i'm so not a carmen.
What is right next to you? my telephone, water bottle, and a beat up wooden ruler.
What are the last four digits of your home phone number? 5015.
Who do you want to spend the rest of your life with? a happy and contented me.
How many people are on your buddy list? 12? 15? i'm not sure.
How's the weather right now? hot and humid (just like me).
Are you too shy to ask a girl/guy out? nah, i like a challenge.
If you could change your name, what would it be? I used to want to be named Tina. i don't really know why. i also fancy the names Kilana or Kira.
What will your first son's name be? His name is Javier Stone Qui...
What will your first daughter's name be? when i thought Javi was gonna be a girl, i picked out Khira Magdalane. However, for my first birthdaughter, I am in love with Esabel Bird Qui... (or maybe my love's last name)
Dysfunctional family? worse than the Osbournes!
What posters do you have in your room? no posters, but i do have gauguin, kandinsky, klee, and rivera prints up.
Are you happy? yes.
Are you talking to someone right now? nope.
What time do you wake up in the mornings? set the alarm for 5:30am, usually roll outta bed around 6:30.
How many keys on your keyring? 4
Where would you retire to? portugal. or provincetown. or some other funky small artsy town near a big city.
Can you juggle? ah, no.
What makes you happy? my son's silliness, my sister's bad jokes, my boyfriend's constant proof of his love for me, and chocolate cheesecake.
Do you have a LiveJournal? no. i am just raw and jezebel.
If you were an ancient Greek god(dess) what would you be god of? the ocean. maybe i'd be the voodoo goddess Oshun, or the incarnation of Queen Jezebel.

Colors: deep blues, intense reds.
Kind of music: i like all kinds, but i love dancing salsa and meringue, and i especially love a good cumbia. on sunday mornings i like 60s folk, on friday evenings i like eminem. it goes on like that.
Cartoon character: lilo and daria
Song: eminem's "Business"
Food: cheesecake.
Drink: orange mango nantucket nectar; harpoon beer; and my own sangria
Candy: airheads, starburst
Scary or funny movies: funny, cause scary is usually too cheesy.
Talking to people on the phone or in person: strangers = on the phone; friends = in person
Favorite language you can't speak: spanish
Gold or silver: silver.
Day of the week: Sunday
What is your anthem: "become you" by indigo girls
Best song to make out to: "Lifetime" by Maxwell
And best song to cry to: "Circles" by Joni Mitchell
Lord of the Rings or Harry Potter: neither.

In God? in a universal spirit? yes.
In Heaven/Hell? not so cut and dry, no.
In life on other planets? yeah.
In miracles? definitely.
In fate? completely
It's possible to remain faithful forever? no.
In astrology? overall, yes. in specifics, no.
In magic? yes.

Do you have a bf/gf? yes
Love anyone? yes.
Who's your loudest friend? i think i'm the loudest
Who is the smartest? aisha
Who do you go to for advice? amy, kim, aisha, kati
Who do you cry with? kati.
Do you have any gay or lesbian friends? that s affirmative.
Do you have a best friend? uh huh.
Who do you miss most? kati.
Last person you kissed? my love
Most important trait for a bf/gf? open and laid back
Do you want to kiss someone right now? always
Who would you choose? my boy, of course!
Would they want to kiss you too? oh yeah.

Smoke? on occasion.
Do drugs? on occasion
Sleep with stuffed animals? uh, no.
Live in the moment? learning to.
Play an instrument? learning to.
Go to church? no.
Do well in school? hell yeah.
Go to or plan to go to college? i'm done with school for a while except for my spanish courses. i am starting the broadcasing curriculum next fall. (for my second bachelors. maybe someday a PhD in women's studies/american studies)
Have any piercings? my mama pierced my ears when i was young, i haven't used those holes since then.
Have any tattoos? no, but one is in the works
Hate yourself? no, perhaps like myself to much.
Have an obsession? my hair.
Collect anything? dust?
Wish on stars? all the time
Like your handwriting? yes - i used to practice it all the time, so now it's perfect.
Care about looks? to an extent.
Consider yourself tolerant of others? try to be. sometimes it doesn't work.
Consider love a mistake? No.
Carry a donor card? yes, esp since my sister's transplant.

Last book you read: White Teeth by Zadie Smith
Last movie you saw: Halloween Resurrection (sucked)
Last song you heard: Wilco's, I'm Trying To Break Your Heart
Last thing you had to drink: Water
Last thing you ate: ham dipped in cream cheese
What was the last film you saw in the cinema: Reign of Fire (sucked, but i promised my love i'd watch it)
What did you do for your last birthday? at leftover turkey. my birthday is always on or near thanksgiving.

Been Mean? of course.
Been sarcastic? love it.
Talked to someone you've had a crush on? yep. Missed someone? yep
Fought with your parents? still do.
Laughed until you've cried? often.
Watched a sunrise/sunset? as much as possible.
Went to the beach at night? yeah, at Ocracoke, with no lights AT ALL and little white crabs scuttling everywhere. my love and i went swimming naked. it was intense.
Lied to get off the phone? all the time
Written a poem? yep - got me into grad school
Bought a cd for just one song? too many times
Been in an airplane? yep.
If so where were you flying to? San Francisco, Houston, Boston, NC, Austin.
Been so drunk you blacked out? no, but i have passed out.
Missed school because it was raining? yeah.
Set a body part on fire for amusement? we used to set our hands on fire.
Kept a secret from a friend? yeah.
Had an imaginary friend? no, but i had an imaginary boyfriend once.
Wanted to hook up with a friend? how do you think my love and i wound up together. we've been friends since i was 14 and he was 17 - i was in love with his cousin back then.
Cried during a movie? i get that from my mama.
Prank called someone? yeah.
Had a hickey? yes.

Smiled? yes.
Laughed? yep.
Cried? nah.
Bought something? nope.
Danced? nope.
Been sarcastic? always
Talked to an ex? no
Watched your favorite movie? no.