
basil. marjoram. thyme.

all growing and blooming and scenting my office as the sun shines in yellow slants through the blinds. i like the contrast they provide when their natural aesthetic is set against the clutter and mayhem of my desk.

cd cases, almost empty diet pepsi bottle, two weeks worth of half opened mail, random books, a ruler, a type gauge, three different calendars all turned to the wrong date/month, paper clips, newspapers, napkins, magazines, and a bit of recycled paper.

and just past all this, three terra cotta pots overflowing with things green and natural, the blooms wearing a halo of whiteyellow.

i suppose this is my push and pull. this is today's borderland, today's contact zone. i am stradling a fault zone zipped tight against rips. for now i am comfortable in this zone, i understand that i have one foot there. one foot here.

but, i feel as though staring too long into the earth from which the greenery sprouts could send tremors through the ground beneath me, forcing me to choose sides, to take action one way or another.

i will not fall prey to the beauty of it. no, rather, i will continue to fight the draw of it and be contented with the knowledge that it will be there when i reach for it.