rain, rain, don't go away!

after months of drought, the bottom fell out this morning. of course i'm wearing a white tank top. of course. cause life doesn't get any better than this.

did i mention we're bussed into this complex. yeah, like field workers. we're not allowed to park at the complex. nope, we're bussed in from a mile away.

this means standing at bus stops partially covered, but really only tricking you into believe they will shelter you. this means standing in the whipping wet wind while the floods flash before you and the busses take their sweet dry time.

damn that drenching nourishing life containing rain!

is rain masculine or feminine? archetypically i mean. sun = man, moon = woman. what's rain?

i'm gonna guess female as it is the nourishing manna from which all things find life. the connections: rain being water and water being ocean, it has to be feminine.

does anyone know for sure?