
i slept for 10 hours last night. this has not happened in at least 3 years. usually i wake up no later than 8:30 am even if i spent the night before stoned, drunk, or all sexed up. i just cannot sleep in. say goodbye to that.

and helllooo to the flu. yes. i've got it. not bad, but i feel it climbing on me like kudzu. i'm working from home which really means checking work email and then watching more fantastically bad daytime television.

i had to explain to my stylist yesterday when he called me out for questioning his ability to properly cut my hair that ethnicity does not mean squat when it comes to curls. actually, the very best haircut i've ever received in all 27 of my years came from andy the asian at dellarias in brookline. in fact, for the first two years after i returned to nc, i flew up every 6 months so andy could cut me.

james is no andy, but he tried. and though he though being black was enough to pull him through, it doesn't. my hair's a little boxy, a little too short in the front, but the curls are springy again and there's no bushy halo around my shoulders.

i cried to miller last night that if he really loved me he would watch pluck so i could go see all 1500 hours of lord of the ring. even though i know we're going with The Group on saturday, i had this insatiable craving to see it NOW last night - about 10 minutes before i passed out.

yeah. apparently i'm "sad," and while this banal meaningless modifier isn't given any definition, i still think it's funny that the moron failed to take into account that i'm the aloof one.