missing you


in only 6 work days, i will be on my vacation. in between i have tons of things to do, but the whole time i'll be thinking of two weeks spent on my ass at home rather than on my ass at work. that's enough for me.

i only saw my son for ten minutes yesterday. i typically don't see him on thursdays after i wake him up and drop him off at the sitter's, but it's still hard. it's the only day i don't put his wee body in the crib. the only day i don't hear "Juish!" screamed through the house. the only day i don't trip over him and bijou fighting each other for a ball or a toy or a whatever. he and bijou are perfect siblings.

so, since i missed him, i bought a 12 pack of PET fudge covered chocolate bars. we will share one this evening. yes, i am passing on my own weird food-as-comfort issues, but really - nothing says love like a fudge bar.

actually, nothing says love like morning sex (which i'm still partaking in), but that's got absolutely nothing to do with Pluck.
