tuesday morning rainshine

i have to get a second interview. i have to. this thursday makes two weeks exactly from the first interview. i'm so ready to be disappointed, which makes me less than enthusiastic about my possibilities with that company, but i want to be surprised. i want to them to want me!

in other news:
in a not so rare moment of aggravation and frustration, i realized this morning that Prince Bijou is just not going to learn to do his business in the litter box. he's an idiot. it can't be helped. we have succeeded in keeping him from going all over the carpet like he'd been doing. i thank Boundary for that. now he just uses the BATHTUB. hey, it's easy to clean, right? better than scrubbing cat shit out of the back corner behind my desk every three hours.

i have started denying the idiot food for short periods of time. see, his MO is that he eats (and eats and eats) and then he immediately goes in the bathtub and shits, or vomits. and then he eats again. he does it ALL DAY. i can't take it. i have become too up close and personal with kitty poo. so, he only gets food when at least one person is home, which is all but maybe 5 hours out of 24.

i will curb it at least. ceasing is obviously not gonna happen, but curbing... well, curbing is my new goal.

how was your long weekend?