rainy days and mondays... no longer get me down...

when i see the word crochety i read cro-shay-tee. not the same. definitely not the same.

so, this weekend was rainy and gray. i used it as an opportunity to see just how long i could stay in my pajamas. let me freely brag that i only took them for a total of about 5 hours. this includes bathing, going to see a dollar movie, and going to the store for my nephew. yep. i worked those mo fos!

i suppose that's your first clue that i have nothing intelligent to report. i will say that i have reduced my salsa making time to a record low. instead of dicing the onion, tomato, pepper, and cilantro by hand, i have learned the beauty of the electric chopper. the tomato was turned to red pulpy mush in a matter of seconds. the cilantro was buzzed into green clumps with the push of a button. okay, so i'm too anal to let the onion and pepper be prepared this way, that that's TWO WHOLE STEPS eliminated. and, from all accounts, this is the best batch i've made yet.

hoorah hoorah! pace eat your heart out!